UK booking
Print off the following form (or write it out if needs be). Fill in the gaps as appropriate with your name, address, email, details of any special needs you have or workshops you'd like to facilitate,etc. Where there are tick boxes, tick them [/] if they apply. None of it is too difficult! Then bundle the whole lot up and send it to us with appropriate payment (please remember we are doing this for love not money and so cheques drawn on UK bank accounts in Sterling wherever possible - if not email us first).
Payment & Access.
Accommodation. Prices are for the whole conference.
Registration fee £______ Accommodation fee £______ Total payment £______ |
We can accept £ sterling only. Please make cheques payable to BiCon. |
[ ] I am paying the unwaged rate and enclose photocopied
[ ] I want to apply for the equality fund and enclose details about why I have applied. [ ] I have access difficulties and need a ground floor room. [ ] Please send me details of wheelchair accessible accommodation. |
[ ] Please send me details of hostel and B&B accommodation. [ ] I would like creche accommodation for ___ children aged ___.
[ ] I am deaf or partially hearing and need sign language interpretation.
[ ] I would like to volunteer for gophering / help on the registration desk / stalls.
[ ] I would like to volunteer to help in the creche.
[ ] I can offer counselling.
[ ] I am a qualified First Aider.
[ ] I can offer sign language interpretation. (Please specify which language.) ____________
Note: qualification / references may be asked for from creche, counselling,
sign language & first aid volunteers.
[ ] I would like to run a session or can help with some specific aspect of BiCon, details below.
Note: due to space limitations we may not be able to accept every session
proposal. We will try to select sessions in order to make a balanced and interesting
programme. We prefer sessions to be run by people who have been to a BiCon before.
If this is your first BiCon, please tell us if you have any experience of running
sessions / workshops.
[ ] All information will be treated in confidence. Please tick this box if you wish us to pass on your details to
BICON® is a registered trade mark of BiCon Continuity Ltd, and is used with permission.
BICON® is a registered trade mark of BiCon Continuity Ltd, and is used with permission.